Mormonism is Optimism

Berlin again last week… This time we had to wake up at 4 so it was a bit of a long day. But because our train got to Berlin at 7, we had some time to do some sightseeing. We went to the Brandenburger tour, not very many tourists out at 8 so it was a cool sight to see. We also passed the French Embassy.

Thanksgiving was a little different – last year was McDonald’s, this year our ward mission leader took us to a Chinese buffet, and told us stories of when he was a mission president and such.

A little miracle we saw on Friday was as we were doing some street contacting we talked to a Russian lady and she told us “I was wondering when one of you would talk to me, I’ve seen you and other people like you walking around the city and none of you have talked to me yet!” Moral of the story, we have an appointment tomorrow and I’m pumped!

I’m grateful for the peace that the gospel brings to the soul, no matter the circumstances, it’s always there.

Elder Winkel??


In front of the French Embassy

Chinese Thanksgiving


Nice Week in Bernburg

A nice week here in Bernburg, we managed to stay somewhat busy and that is always a blessing.

First off on Tuesday we had an exchange with the zone leaders and luckily our cozy little 4 man district is doing well, so I had plenty of time to do finding with the ZLs. It was a long day but in the end we ended up with 4 new contacts! One of them was a teenager that I think that just got scared and gave us his information… but hey, that works!

Another highlight this week was we were able to make an appointment with a woman that we met on the street in Ascherleben. So on Saturday we went over and taught her and her son the first lesson. Here’s the thing… SHE’S GERMAN. She’s educated, Christian, and open to talk about religion! Her 16 year old son also had interest, and sat in with the lesson. They found the Book of Mormon interesting, and we committed them both to read. I really believe the spirit was there, and I can’t wait to go back again.

This week we will be back in Berlin for a Zone Conference… don’t know how the mission can afford to move us all around like this but I won’t complain!

I studied in John 6 this week, a good one, you all should read it.

Häppy Sanksgifing!

Elder Winkel

How Firm a Foundation

This week we had the special opportunity to have Elder Ballard visit
our mission, we heard on Friday morning that on Sunday night he would
be coming so figuring out how to get there was a fun ride. The mission
rallied together in Berlin! Always rad to see all my friends from the other side of the mission!

Well first off I’ll tell you, he’s a short man… also pretty funny.
We got to shake his hand before the meeting and of course I forgot my
name tag on my backpack… but it was alright only Präsident

It was a great meeting, Elder Ballard mainly focused on making sure we know chapter 3 of PMG, through and through, and also that as we strive to always become better teachers, we will find ourselves having more opportunities to teach.

Well after the getting to the meeting was only half the fun… Our
train home left at 9:15 and we weren’t supposed to get home until
12:00. Unfortunately we had a 20 minute delay with one of our trains,
but we ran through the Bahnhof like madmen with the Köthen elders and
made it to our next train just in time, but the train wasn’t there
because it was also 20 minutes late… So it finally came and we took
it an hour or so. It was about midnight by the time we hit the
halfway point. We got off to switch trains to find out that because our
train was late, the other trains we had to make had already left…
And the next one didn’t come until 4:00 so we scurried around and
found a taxi. 65€ later and at 1:00 we got home… Yes, tired, could have been worse.

The closing song we sang was “How firm a foundation” and it was really cool (and nice to hear it in English). But I remember how I should remember my foundation, it doesn’t matter that I’m tired, that a church policy was updated, or that I haven’t worn my retainer in a while (I’ll make it fit mom), because I’ve got a foundation. And a pretty solid one at that.

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, I’ll never, no never,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!

-Elder Winkel

So on P-day we found an abandoned warehouse in the forest…


Hectic Week

Well the hectic week came to a close. But it was a good one. So Thursday we were in Magdeburg for district meeting, then we had to go home and plan for English class, but then we had to go check on our member from Nigeria who was getting ready for ankle surgery, and it turns out that he got stabbed by his roommate the day before in the refugee housing. He was pretty shaken up about it. He got it right in the leg. But he’s a champ, and he’s doing okay now.

After we went and visited him, we ran back to the church and taught our English class. Then to the train station, and caught our train to Berlin, We spent the night in Spandau with my boy Elder Glissmyer. We ended the night with a couple party buckets from KFC.
The next day Elder Perkins went with two other missionaries and went around Berlin while I sat in meetings for about 7 hours… then we caught the train back to Bernburg.

The next day we had to catch another train to Leipzig for Stake Conference, we were a little late and I had to buy our ticket, and Elder Perkins put our bags on… well as I went to open the train door the train left… I had a nice little hour long wait before the next train came, later we met back up in Kothen. haha.
Stake Conference was wonderful, and I got to see all my members and friends from Zwickau!

After the Saturday session, we traveled to Halle where we got permission to spend the night in the old elder’s apartment.
Then back to Leipzig the next morning for the Sunday session! They had a little girl give a talk and it was probably one of the cutest things I’ve seen. Also Elder Dykes was there and gave a great talk about the Sabbath and scripture study. It was also nice to hear a talk in English, and having to be the one translating!

I’m thankful for a busy week!

I have a testimony that it is through those small things that we can make real progress and have joy. I’m grateful for all your prayers and pray for you as well.

Elder Winkel

Reunited with our boy Jared from Zwickau!



Our Ward mission leader told us a story this week about when he accompanied Elder Eyring in Russia.

They were sitting on the stand of a priesthood meeting and they noticed a lady walk in and take a seat. Not knowing what to do, Elder Eyring and Bruder Schutze went and talked to her in the hall, she had apparently traveled a long way, to see an apostle of the Lord. Bruder Schutze noted the Love he could feel that President Eyring had for this woman as he translated for her. It’s always amazing to see the love that the Apostles have for all of us, because they know, and love the Savior. And they want us to come closer to him.

I thought a lot this week about why we are here. To make progress, to learn, to become the best that our Father in Heaven wants us to become. We all have such great potential, and I thought about how I can reach mine. The biggest way we can reach our potential is through Christlike attributes, Honesty, Charity, Love, Patience, etc. Christ was the perfect example. As we take upon ourselves to develop these things the Lord will lift us, and slowly after time we will see ourselves become more as He is. I know that if we really take these things to heart, we will have a real desire “to become”. We will see ourselves be perfected in Christ.

Not many noteworthy things happened this week but this next week should be an interesting one!
Today for P-day the Kothen Elders came down and we went looking for a giant sink hole we found on Google earth… so we made our trek onto the abandoned autobahn out to the middle of nowhere. After climbing to the top of a hill, we found it! Just a random GIANT sinkhole in the middle of nowhere.

Thursday we will be in Magdeburg for district meeting, Friday, leadership meeting in Berlin, Saturday and Sunday in Leipzig for stake conference. JA MANN


Elder Winkel
