Part III

A nice week. A highlight of the week was a Part III exchange with my friend Elder Barrios (from my first district). We hit the streets and did some street contacting. In the evening we decided to go by an old contact, and to our surprise they let us in! It was an amazing time to teach the Restoration again. It’s been a while but I’m always grateful for the opportunity. The message of the Restoration is a special one.

This week I studied the time that the Prophet Joseph had in Liberty Jail. Looking at the experience that the prophet had, I think of my own self, my own “prison-temple” experiences, my time in “the refiners fire”. Where the trials that I’ve had, they have only been there to strengthen and help me. We can learn the most of these moments if we Endure, and do as the Prophet did. Have faith. If we do those things we will be become our greatest selves, and become what the Lord wants us to become.

“Therefore … let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed” D&C 123:17


Elder Winkel

If you stick your head out of a really fast train…



This week I received the wonderful Elder Perkins. Since he arrived, the people have become more hostile, but we’ve started also to see more success! Elder Perkins is a transfer older than me but has never served in East Germany so it’s been a bit funny watching him adjust to the East Germans.

But we’re having tons of fun, and talking to people left and right! It’s awesome to have a companion that has no fear, because we can just go at it together.

We also decided that we’re going to talk more about Joseph Smith, in all that we do. Because of the wonderful things he did, we have so much happiness and pure joy. This week I listened to a talk from President Uchtdorf (he translates his own talks) and he mentioned what a special time we live in.  The prophets of old would have longed to see this day, where the gospel is restored in full. I’m grateful for the real joy it brings… joy joy joy. I’ll say it a thousand times, but I have seen personally the difference that it makes in someone’s life when they understand the difference between joy and fun. I had so much fun before my mission. But I’ve found that pure Joy which comes through the gospel is what I love. The gospel is the ONLY place where we can find the healing peace of the Lord’s grace.

In this week I’ve thought about how grateful I am for all my Family and friends. Wherever you are in the world. YOU have been a great and glorious blessing to me in my life.

Elder Winkel


A Joyful Year

This was a wild week, first off I’ll tell you about my new ward mission leader…

So he just got back from a Temple Mission in Finland, and I just got to know him a little better. He’s been an Area Seventy… twice. The Freiberg Temple Präsident, Germany Berlin Mission Präsident after the wall came down, a patriarch in Russia (speaks 7 languages), and was in the meeting with President Monson and Elder Nelson when they met with the DDR officials, to get missionaries through the wall and into East Germany. The man’s been sustained in conference like 5 times!!!!

So when he called me Sunday morning at 7:30 and said “You know we’re meeting at 8 o‘clock right?” (Apparently someone had told us) but I made the mistake of hesitating… Haha he immediately said “say YES elder” so I blurted out a YES! And we quickly finished getting ready and ran down stairs.

Our meeting was awesome, he pretty much gave us a mission president interview while talking about the work here. Afterwards we looked him up in gospel library, read his articles in the ensign, and his conversion story in a talk from Elder Packer. A loving man, I’m excited for his help.

We also had the wonderful experience to visit the Freiberg Temple with our recent convert (from the beginning of the year) the Magdeburg Elders also came and brought an investigator, and recent convert. Even though the Temple was closed you could still feel the spirit of the Lord’s House. The sisters in Freiberg gave us an amazing tour of the grounds, and made their first experience with the Temple a good one.

The “Year Mark” was celebrated in a great fashion with the one and only Elder Vellinga (from my MTC group)! We had an exchange so it worked out perfectly. For dinner that night we went to the nice restaurant on the river. The waiter took us to the VIP section… (or the no smoking room) and then they actually brought us complimentary champagne… once we smelled it we realized what it was and had the waiter take it back. Haha.

That night we were able to teach the branch in “ward council” together. We pumped them up with missionary work, and then shared what we’ve learned in the last year. A cool moment with a good friend of mine, and very special to reflect on what was learned in this last year. And what a year it has been, I want to laugh when I think of myself a year ago. I’ve been able to see how the Book of Mormon really brings people closer to Christ, for example: me.

The gospel brings the peace that the people need, I know that it is through Christ that we become better, and doing so, we will find and experience real joy.

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14)

Elder Winkel??



Well if you want a true update on how things are going… finding, finding, finding, finding. And actually that has been the last 5 weeks… we have yet to teach a lesson in English/German this transfer. (Albanian is a little hard) But it’s okay! I’m having joy in the fact that the gospel is true, this city is beautiful, and that our Savior is with us.

It was also a very special week for me. I have found a new hope, and have come closer to our Savior.
It all started with a nice pump up letter from my wing-man Elder Demass down in the Frankfurt mission, and then a great lesson from our Zone Leaders in District Meeting. I honestly am not sure what it was but I had a moment where I decided I was going to kick it in gear, and join the big leagues. I realized I’d been playing too much Triple A ball, playing well, looking good, and feeling pretty good. But I wanted to join the Majors, be one of the greats, not in the sight of man, but in our Heavenly Father’s. And to do it, I’d have to start TALKING TO EVERYONE! I’m still not perfect, but this week I was looking like a mad man, talking to people in the heart of the city, dragging Elder E as I went. As we went, most of my fear left me and I really felt that the Savior can really help us through ALL our struggles, he wants to perfect us, we often just need to let him.

Also this whole desire has affected me in more ways as well. This last week I’ve been to bed on time, woken up exactly on time, (I always try, but once in a while wake up on the floor mid sit-up…) and with that have been amazingly awake, in my morgen sport, and now I’ve been working out at night. It’s been a wonderful blessing having the Lord’s help. But I need to keep my part up.

Friday we will be taking the recent convert from 8 months ago to the Freiberg Temple! The missionaries will have something prepared, even though it’s being remodeled I can’t wait to see it.

Jesus is the Christ, our Redeemer, and He will strengthen us. THINGS TO REMEMBER.

Elder Winkel

Visited the Bears this week, but ya know just the “necessities”.
